Faith Driven Entrepreneur Africa

Episode 26 - The True Moringa Resilience Story with Kwami Williams

Episode Summary

Hear how Kwami Williams is discovering entrepreneurial solutions that tackle the challenges faced by the poor and marginalized in our world today.

Episode Notes

Kwami Williams has learned a lot from miracle trees.

These trees, which are actually called “Moringa Trees” thrive in arid climates and even help the crops around them grow.

Inspired by their resilience, Kwami has utilized the African superfood to meet the wellness needs of customers and improve the lives of rural farmers, by transforming the tree’s seed oil and lead powder into skincare and wellness products.

To date, his company, True Moringa, has planted over 2 million moringa trees and served 5,000 women and family farmers through their work. Kwami joins us on the Faith Driven Entrepreneur global podcast to discuss entrepreneurial solutions that tackle the challenges faced by the poor and marginalized on the African continent.